long-term obligations

英 [lɒŋ tɜːm ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃənz] 美 [lɔːŋ tɜːrm ˌɑbləˈgeɪʃənz]




  1. The city used that estimate as part of a deal to try to pay some creditors in full and pay others much less than they are owed in an effort to restructure$ 18 billion of long-term obligations.
  2. Long-term liabilities are obligations that do not qualify as current liabilities.
  3. Creditors will pay attentions on corporations 'long-term solvency to see if their rights can be guaranteed. ( vi) Both the obligee's rights and obligor's obligations were assumed by one party;
  4. A jump in public debt is an invisible increase in long-term private obligations.
  5. But with rates as low as they are, some investors with long-term obligations ─ insurance companies and pension funds among them ─ are willing to buy.
  6. The escalation of the US deficit since the onset of the financial crisis and political wrangling over how to address long-term pension and health obligations were also causing some to question the wisdom of owning Treasuries at low yields.
  7. Recognize that retirement plans are long-term obligations which will span many political, economic and social environments.
  8. Any achievement of tax revenue is a fixed contract formed after a long-term conflict among nation and society. Under this contract, both sides of the tax system have established their respective rights and obligations.